Page 13 - 日本GOOT吉欧欧替 Vol.51 (英文)
P. 13

150 W /80 W Dual-port soldering station           STANDARD               Can support   p.20            SYSTEM  SOLDERING
                                                                                      36 W micro-soldering iron
             RX-822AS        2 soldering irons can be used.    CONFIGURATION          RX-81GAS
                                                               150 W High-heat        (Sold separately)
              p.22                                             capacity Iron Unit                                    SOLDERING IRONS

                                                                         80 W Standard
                                                            ……           Iron Unit                                LEAD-FREE  TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED
                                                                         RX-80GAS (included)
                                                             Can support  p.18        Can support
                                                             80 W stadnard iron unit  hot tweezers p.58
                                                             RX-80GAS                 XST-80G
                                                             (Sold separately)        (Sold separately)
                                                             Cannot support double
                                                             150 W irons.

             Pictured tips not included.
                                                            Applicable tips  (Standard Configuration)  RX-80/ 81HRT, 85H(S)RT series  AUTOMATIC

             Solder or desolder small parts in small space     STANDARD               Can support  p.18            SOLDER FEEDER
                                                                                      80 W standard iron unit
                                                               CONFIGURATION          RX-80GAS
             RX-812AS p.20                                     Micro-soldering        (Sold separately)
                                                               Applicable Iron
                                                               RX81GAS                                             TIP THERMOMETER  SOLDERING TESTER
                                                                         36 W Standard
                                                                         Iron Unit
                                                                         RX-81GAS (included)
                                                                                      Can support
                                                                                      hot tweezers p.58              SOLDER POTS
                                                                                      (Sold separately)

            Pictured tips not included.
                                                           Applicable tips  (Standard Configuration) RX-80/ 81HRT series  / SMT PRODUCTS  SURFACE-MOUNT

             Nitrogen improves solder  Nitrogen improves solder wetting              Can support  p.20

             wetting and fillet shape  and fillet shape.       STANDARD              36 W micro-soldering iron     PRODUCTS
             RX-802ASPH             A Nitrogen gas generator is required  N2 Gas Adaptive   RX-81GAS                 DESOLDERING
                                                                                     (Sold separately)
                                                               Iron Unit             cannot be used as a N2
              p.24                                             RX80GASPH             soldering iron.
                                                             Can support  p.18       Can support                     SOLDERING
                                                             80 W stadnard iron unit  hot tweezers p.58            ACCESSORIES
                                                             RX-80GAS                XST-80G
                                                             (Sold separately)       (Sold separately)

                                                                                                 cannot be used as a N2
                                                                                                 soldering iron.   MATERIALS
            Pictured tips not included.                                                                              SOLDERING WORK
                                                           Applicable tips  (Standard Configuration) RX-80HRTPH series

          Handpiece Grip Rubber  Soldering Iron Stand Sponge/Cleaner  Soldering Tweezers Stand  N2 Station     p.25
          (Anti-static)                                                        NC-100R
                              ST-53SP                                                           Maintains a stable output   HEATED TOOLS
                              Space-saving compact package             p.69                     pressure(0.2Mpa).
                                                                                                Two-tiered setting with
                                                                       ST-28                    RX-802ASPH achieves
                                                                                                efficient work in smaller
           RX-80RB                                                                              space.
           RX-80RB-OR                            ST-40BW                                                             HAND TOOLS

                                                      5"*:0 &-&$53*$ */%  $0   -5%   2020-2021
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