Page 71 - 日本GOOT吉欧欧替 Vol.51 (英文)
P. 71

Suitable for assembly rooms (for IC or electrical   MODEL    Length  Width  Thickness  Material/  Surface Resistivity  SYSTEM  SOLDERING
               components) to prevent static charge.                              Hardness  Surface (green)  Bottom (black)
              ANTI-STATIC MATS  WD-130/WD-13                  8%     10m  1…m  2…mm  Rubber/65  10 –10 9  10 –10 5
                                                              8%     2m                                              SOLDERING IRONS
               RoHS  ANTI             Double structure
                                      static-diffusion layer (green) : 0.5 mm
                 2  STATIC            conductive layer (black)  : 1.5 mm  ■OPTION
                                                                  Item    Model         Specifications
                                                              Ground Wire Plate WD-1E  50×100 mm/2 pieces / 2m cords
                                                              Short Plate  WD-1P      50×100 mm/10 pieces
                                                              Aluminum Tape  WD-3020  0.05 mm (T) x 30 mm (W) x 20m (L)
             lMatte green. lAvailable for work desks and floors.               WD-1E    WD-3020    WD-1P
             lElastic & scissible rubber sheet.                                                                      AUTOMATIC

              Color LED measurement display.  SURFACE RESISTIVITY METER               CALIBRATION SERVICES         SOLDER FEEDER
              Compact and portable.      WA-400                                       We provide calibration and/or
                                                                                      certification for a fee.

              RTT Test Jack         Range    Classification LED Display  lMeasures the Surface Resistivity [Ω/sq], Resistance to Ground
              Measures the Resistance between two   Less than 10 5  Ω (Ω/sq)  Conductive  Green
              points with two included leads. When            (RTG) [Ω] and Resistance between two points (RTT), of floors, work   TIP THERMOMETER  SOLDERING TESTER
              measuring RTT, the Surface Resistivity   Between 10  and 10 11  Ω (Ω/sq) Dispassive  Orange
              electrodes  on the rear  of  the unit   More than 10  Ω (Ω/sq)  Insulative  Red  surfaces, conductive materials, and anti-static accessories. lCompact
              become inactive.
                                                              and powered by single 9 V battery (006P). lMeasurements instantly
                                               Surface Resistivity
                                               Electrodes     displayed in three-color LED.
                           RTG Test            Surface Resistivity
                           Jack                Testing             MODEL                 WA-400
                           Measures the        Place the meter on
                           Resistance to       the test surface.  Power Supply         9 V (006P) Battery            SOLDER POTS
                           Ground between      RTG Test                            3  12
                           the Surface (rear   Measures the Resis-  Ranges        10 –10 Ω / sq (Surface Resistivity)
                           electrodes) and     tance to Ground be-                   10 –10 Ω (RTG & RTT)
                           ground point        tween the Surface
                           with an included    (rear electrodes) and   Battery Life    Approx. 40 hours
                           lead.               ground point with an
                                               included lead.  Dimensions           61 (W) × 26 (H) × 96 (D) mm
                                                              Weight                   70 g (w/o battery)
                                                              Accessories               2 x Test Wires             / SMT PRODUCTS  SURFACE-MOUNT
               Avoid electrostatic discharge and   WRIST STRAPS                                       ANTI
               protect sensitive electronic devices.  WS-11/12  MODEL   Cord Length  Cord Material  Band Width  STATIC
                                                              WS-11       1.7 m
                                           lLarger snap with   WS-12      2.8 m  Polyurethane  20 mm               PRODUCTS  DESOLDERING
                                           improved durability.    REPLACEMENT PARTS / OPTIONS
                                           lAdjustable band
                                           length. l1MΩ resistor   Wrist Band for WS-11/12  Alligator Clip for WS-11/12
                                           in electrical path from
                                           person to ground.  Coil cord for WS-11     Coil cord for WS-12          ACCESSORIES  SOLDERING
               Low dust-shedding with woolly nylon.                                              RoHS  ANTI
             LOW-DUST GLOVES / ANTI-STATIC GLOVES  WG series                                       2  STATIC
             WG-1/2 series LOW-DUST GLOVES                   WG-3/4 Series ANTI-STATIC GLOVES                      MATERIALS  SOLDERING WORK
                              Uses wooly nylon that generates less           Remove static electricity immediately.
                              dust from gloves.
                                                                            lRemove static charge quickly with
                              lSeamless and elastic for perfect fit.        wooly nylon & conductive fiber material.
                              Hold small components safely. lSuperior       lHigh elasticity. Perfect for holding small
                              ventilation with polyurethane resin           components. Surface resistance: 3.3 × 10 Ω
                              coating on fingertips only, or palm.                         Fingertip Coating  Palm Coating  HEATED TOOLS
                                                                                                   8(  γϦʔζ
                                                                                            8(  γϦʔζ
                              lMachine washable.
               MODEL    Coating       Size         A×B         MODEL  Coating  Size  A×B
               WG-1S                   S        65 × 185 mm    WG-3S          S  65 × 185 mm      #      #
               WG-1M  Fingertip Coating  M      65 × 205 mm    WG-3M  Fingertip Coating  M  65 × 205 mm
               WG-1L                   L        70 × 225 mm    WG-3L          L  70 × 225 mm
               WG-2S                   S        65 × 185 mm    WG-4S          S  65 × 185 mm  "      "               HAND TOOLS
               WG-2M  Palm Coating    M         65 × 205 mm    WG-4M  Palm Coating  M  65 × 205 mm   Polyurethane
               WG-2L                   L        70 × 225 mm    WG-4L          L  70 × 225 mm  NOTE: The polyurethane resin coating is
                                                                                           not an anti-static material.
                                                      5"*:0 &-&$53*$ */%  $0   -5%   2020-2021
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76